Your costs of living calculator

Prices are shown in HUF (magyar forint). You can change it to:

Category and amount Budapest Debrecen Győr Miskolc Pécs Szeged
Accommodation You can choose only one option. Averages for private and shared flats are based on the calculations of
Dormitory (average of several dormitory prices) Ask your future university for more details. 30 000 Ft 28 000 Ft 20 000 Ft 22 000 Ft 22 000 Ft 25 000 Ft
Private flat Including utilities. 200 000 Ft 140 000 Ft 150 000 Ft 95 000 Ft 120 000 Ft 130 000 Ft
Shared flat Including utilities. 110 000 Ft 45 000 Ft 65 000 Ft 50 000 Ft 48 500 Ft 45 000 Ft
A meal in an inexpensive restaurant 3 500 Ft 3 000 Ft 2 100 Ft 3 000 Ft 2 600 Ft 3 000 Ft
Apples (1kg) 570 Ft 449 Ft 489 Ft 540 Ft 674 Ft 566 Ft
Banana (1kg) 703 Ft 585 Ft 569 Ft 1 000 Ft 637 Ft 646 Ft
Chicken Fillets (1kg) 1 920 Ft 1 791 Ft 2 066 Ft 2 576 Ft 2 115 Ft 1 848 Ft
Eggs (regular) (10) 1 126 Ft 992 Ft 1 020 Ft 1 013 Ft 1 137 Ft 1 041 Ft
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 562 Ft 417 Ft 424 Ft 576 Ft 565 Ft 507 Ft
Onion (1kg) 493 Ft 354 Ft 425 Ft 410 Ft 566 Ft 431 Ft
Potato (1kg) 441 Ft 400 Ft 399 Ft 400 Ft 620 Ft 444 Ft
Rice (white), (1kg) 766 Ft 582 Ft 624 Ft 375 Ft 612 Ft 605 Ft
Tomato (1kg) 1 328 Ft 997 Ft 1 399 Ft 850 Ft 1 500 Ft 955 Ft
Recreation Please provide the monthly occasions of the different kinds of recreation.
Movie (multiplex) If you buy the ticket online with a student discount. 2 200 Ft 1 970 Ft 2 020 Ft 1 770 Ft 1 970 Ft 1 770 Ft
Sport activity Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 18 000 Ft 12 000 Ft 15 500 Ft 13 000 Ft 12 000 Ft 12 000 Ft
Transportation You can choose more options.
Public bike-sharing system (30 min) Only available in Budapest, Debrecen, Győr, Pécs 1 000 Ft 200 Ft 400 Ft 350 Ft
Urban public transport (single line ticket) 400 Ft 460 Ft 250 Ft 430 Ft 400 Ft 430 Ft
Total costs of living