November 24, 2022 15:02
The most important dates of the 2022/2023 winter exam period

At most Hungarian Universities exam period usually starts in early or mid-December, which means it’s time to start organizing your notes and visit the library for literature. To help you prepare your exam schedule, we have collected the most important dates for some universities. Check it out!

At Pázmány Péter Catholic University the exams will be held in two rounds: the first from 12th to 19th December, the second from 9th January to 11th February. The situation will be similar at the University of Szeged: the first round will take place from 12th to 23rd December, the second from 2nd January to 28th January. The University of Miskolc also follows this practice: the first round will be held from 12th December to 17th December and the second from 16th January to 18th February.

At the University of Debrecen, the first period takes place between 12th and 21st of December and the second between 9th January to 10th February, however students at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health might take exams between 22nd of December and 8th of January. Széchenyi István University in Győr holds its exams from 12th to 21st December and from 10th to 28th January.

The winter exam period at Eötvös Loránd University starts on 19th December and lasts until 11th February. Semmelweis University holds its exam period between 12th December and 27th January and the spring semester starts on 30th January. Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church will start its exam period on 16th January and finish on 11th February, however, students may take preliminary exams on the last week of the semester.

University of Pécs holds its exam period between 5th December and 13th January, which might be extended if necessary. Students at the University of Pannonia should set up their exams between 17th December and 27th January.

The autumn semester at the Corvinus University of Budapest last until 18th December and the spring semester will start on 20th of February. Students at the University of Public Service can start taking preliminary exams on the last week of the semester and finish the remaining exams from 5th December to 10th December

The first day of the exam period at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University will be 19th December and the last 11th of February. Students at the University of Dunaújváros will have their exams between 2nd and 29th of January, while students at the University of Pécs between 5th of December and 13th of January.

We hope that our list might help you prepare and organize your schedule in time. However, please keep in mind that it is highly recommended to follow the official website of your university and check current rules. We wish you good luck!

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