September 30, 2016 13:27
My Hungary Photo Contest
We are looking for the picture of the time of your life

Dear Stipendium Hungaricum Students!

We are happy to announce My Hungary Photo Contest, and looking forward to see the best pictures of your stay in Hungary. If you are a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder, like to take photos and think that some of them are even great and worth to publish, send us one or more pieces of your work.

We are looking for pictures that were taken during your stay somewhere in Hungary, include something tipically Hungarian or simply express what Hungary means for you in one single picture. Pictures with good quality are preferred.

The period of the contest: from 30th of September until the 28th of October

The best pictures will be evaluated by our editorial team in the first round until the 21st of October, and in the second round the top 5  images will be published on our Facebook page, where the most popular (the one with the most „likes”) picture will win the contest and a tangible gift. Apart from that the the best picture will appear on our Facebook page as cover photo for 3 weeks, the second one for 2 weeks and the 3rd best picture for 1 week.

The applications should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Game Rules

You are only entitled to take part in the contest if you are Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holder and you can also prove it. Besides, the pictures have to be taken in Hungary. You can only apply with your own intellectual property  of which you have all rights and responsibilities.

In case the pictures would be found disturbing or inappropriate by Tempus Public Foundation, the organization has the right to ignore the application. Please note, that we only accept applications sent via e-mail to the above mentioned e-mail address.

Tempus Public Foundation treats the personal datas of the applicants as confidential, those are not to be disclosed to third parties. By sending in a picture applicants also agree on free use the photos by Tempus Public Foundation.

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