March 20, 2023 11:37
Developing partnership between Hungary and Cyprus
Study in Hungary visited the Cyprus International Education and Career Exhibition 2023

Between 3 and 7 March, the Study in Hungary team participated in the Cyprus International Education and Career Exhibition 2023. The delegation also visited the Cyprus University of Technology and the European University Cyprus where the delegation could participate in partnership-building events.

From 3 to 7 March, the Tempus Public Foundation, Óbuda University, Eötvös Lóránd University and the University of Szeged visited Cyprus in the framework of the "Study in Hungary visits Cyprus" series of professional events. The aim of the mission was to further develop the educational partnership between the two countries and to promote Hungarian higher education to the next generation of Cypriot youth. During the visit, both student recruitment and partnership-building events were successful thanks to the valuable help of the Embassy of Hungary in Cyprus.

The delegation participated for the first time in the Cyprus International Education and Career Exhibition 2023 which was a student recruitment and partnership-building fair in Nicosia. During the fair such exhibitors as the European Commission, Campus France, , universities from the United Kingdom, and other European universities attended. In addition to the Study in Hungary booth, the University of Pécs and Semmelweis University were also present as exhibitors.

During the three-day exhibition, several high school students and university graduates visited the Study in Hungary booth. Thanks to the Cypriot-Hungary Higher Education Information Day in 2021 -especially organised for secondary school career advisors-, now several students visited the Hungarian booth with their questions connected to Hungarian higher education, student life and scholarship opportunities.

Between 6 and 7 March, the delegation took part in two partnership-building events which helped to promote Hungarian higher education in Cyprus on a strategic level and to connect Hungarian universities with other higher education institutions. The first stop was the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol. During the networking event, participants had discussions about topics such as the mobility of researchers, teachers, and students, mainly in the fields of medicine, engineering, and computer science. The second stop was a private university: the European University Cyprus in Nicosia, where a strong emphasis was placed on a new type of cooperation, called blended intensive programme, which contains short, intensive programmes that use innovative ways of learning and teaching, including the use of online cooperation.

On 30th March, Tempus Public Foundation organises the second Cyprus-Hungarian Higher Education Webinar where we welcome all Hungarian higher education institutions.  During the webinar, coordinators and officers can learn about the structure of higher education in Cyprus, explore potential partnership-building opportunities, and hear about the experiences we had during the Cyprus International Education and Career Exhibition 2023!

If you are a representative of a Hungarian university, you can register here!

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